20 October 2008

BlogHer Boston In Pictures

I did actually remember to bring my camera - and use it - but not nearly as much as I intended to.

Leaving the house. Ugh, this is too early.Wait...
That's better!

This is not a cocktail before 9am.

This is a yummy smoothie that looks like a cocktail.
That shortly after this was bumped by a passing laptop.

My notebook smells like bananas now.

I tried liveblogging the first session,
But my wrists were killing me, so I went old school,
And pulled out my banana-book.

Saturn was one of the sponsors and graciously provided what looked like their entire line to test drive.
So did I try the minivan? The hybrid?


I drove this.
Nice view!
Red always was my color.Yes, thank you, I will take this home with me.

No? But there's a back seat and everything, though I'm not sure a car seat would fit in there...

There are no photos of the cocktail hour.

Not that I was actually drinking, what with the drive and all...

By the time I got home I was lugging this:
Dibs on the slippers!

That stack of paperwork and business cards is what I've been going through.
Next up: The sessions and what I learned.

Other than that I am a klutz in every setting and should keep an eye on my smoothies.


  1. Wow!! It looks like A LOT of fun:-)

  2. What an awesome blog post!!! I love it.

    It does look like you had a great time.

  3. How cool that they let you test drive a car!! Plus, they gave you some neat looking stuff, can't wait to find out what you learned :D

  4. The outreach is here tomorrow? Maybe next Tuesday. I really contemplated going. But never got further than that. Did they happen to announce when the next big conference is?

    I can't wait to hear about what happened in the sessions!

  5. Wow, you DO look good in red! Too bad that wasn't part of the swag ;)

  6. Oh wow I wanna go there!!! Thanks for stopping by my Kansas blog today :)

  7. It was great meeting you at BlogHer - I love your pictures!

    I test drove the hybrid (there was a line for the convertible) and it was pretty nice- nicer than my beat up 2001 corrolla at least.


What's up, Pixel Peep?