25 September 2008

BlogHer Boston, Here I Come

Word is spreading like wildfire that the BlogHer Reach Out Tour has been pruned down to 2 cities. While I'm disappointed for everyone else, I am very relieved that the two still on are BOSTON and DC.

Why, you ask?

Well, because:
Going to BlogHer Boston
Excited, about the opportunity? Yes.

Just a little nosy about what all of the other New England bloggers are really like? Yup.

So psyched that LeapFrog is one of the sponsors because maybe they'll be giving away something really cool that I called my hubby at work just to tell him? Check.

Slightly terrified, frantically looking for a cool outfit, and wondering if a pedicure is out of order seeing as how it's in October in MA and closed-toed shoes are usually necessary to ward off frostbite? You betcha.

It's kind of like the first day of school. You know, except for the whole cocktail reception thing.

Anyone else out there going to one of the Tour events?

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